Does Taking Fish Oil Tablets Help Prevent Bowel Cancer?

By Peter Bertonach

Fish oil tablets contain 2 essential fatty acids called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which are otherwise known as omega 3 essential fatty acids. Over the last 40 years many studies have established the benefits of Omega3 fats to many areas of our health including our heart health. Studies have also shown a link between fish oil and breast cancer prevention and fish oil and prostate cancer prevention. However there are now studies which also show that increasing your intake of fish oil may help to prevent bowel cancer.

A study in Scotland on the benefits of increasing your intake of Omega3 fats found that more DHA and EPA in your diet can help to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer by up to around 40 percent. The study specifically noted that increasing intakes of DHA and EPA achieved this result, but that increasing the intake of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), a plant-based Omega 3 fat, did not produce the same result.

Clear evidence was that those who ate more fish had a lower risk of colon cancer and that those who ate less fish had a higher risk of colon cancer.

A study in the Netherlands combined the results of a range of other studies on the link between Omega 3 and bowel cancer.-- studies were compared and the conclusion was that there was a clear relationship between eating more fish and lowering the risk of colon cancer. In fact the researchers concluded that eating one meal of fish per week reduced the risk of bowel cancer by around 4 percent, and that each fish meal rediced the risk of colon cancer by another 4 percent.

The average levels of fish intake of people in the US is way below that which would achieve these significant results in helping to prevent bowel cancer.

Of course increasing your intake of fish or fish oil is only a part of an overall strategy to help prevent colon cancer, but it is also now firmly established that increasing your intake of Omega3 fats is also important to a wide range of other health considerations and can have significant heart health benefits.

So how do you go about increasing your intake of fish oil containing Omega 3 fatty acids? Fish is getting more expensive by the day and it is also known that fish is generally contaminated with heavy metals, PCBs and pesticides and the FDA tells us not to eat too much fish for this reason. So getting more fish in our diet is risky and expensive.

But the best way to get more fish oil into your diet is by way of fish oil tablets. These contain DHA and EPA, and are very cost-effective when compared to eating fish, and can be taken daily. And the best fish oil tablets have no contaminants.

However not all all fish oil supplements are as good as others, and you need to be careful comparing one with another because there are wide variations in the amounts of the active ingredients found in the different brands. You cannot directly compare the price of fish oil tablets alone.

So it would seem that along with a range of other health benefits including heart health benefits increasing our intake of fish oil by way of taking fish oil tablets daily can be part of an overall strategy to stay healthy and in particular to help prevent bowel cancer.

I have known this for some time and take fish oil tablets every day. To find out which ones visit my website. - 30193

About the Author:

Can You beat Lung Cancer and using Traditional Herbal Remedies and Alternative Medicine?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Lung Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and N-Tense actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

"Lung cancer"! The thought of having this frightens many people. Indeed many are frightened by the very words 'Lung Cancer' strong words, yes! Available now are two powerful natural herbal products, N-Tense and Graviola, both appear to be showing some fine results.

As a rule, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors do not support the use of treating 'Lung Cancer' with 'Herbal Treatments' like Graviola and N-Tense. In many cases describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, mainly because they were not taught it at 'Medical School'!

Evidence is growing however, in support of the fact that many of these botanicals may be really quite beneficial. Two of these herbal remedies in particularly, 'Graviola' and 'N-Tense are showing some quite remarkable results in "Lung Cancer" patients. Often in cases where chemotherapy and traditional treatment didn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The Health Sciences Institute (HSI) featured an article, headlined "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Lung Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! . So what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is a tree that is indigenous to the Amazon Rainforests and some other parts of South America. It's not really a huge rainforest tree, in fact it is a relatively small evergreen "shrub" (in Rainforest terms) growing to only 5 to 6 metres tall. But in terms of having cancer cell fighting properties, it's an absolute giant!

Plenty of research has already been done and has found that many of the phytochemicals or annonaceous acetogenins (These are the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the leaves, seeds and stem of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer / tumour cells such as Lung Cancer. All these plant parts are used in natural medicine.

This is the really good news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) According to the HSI article the 'Graviola' tree has been studied in more than 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Back in'76 a plant screening program by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola displayed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing powerhouse. These Herbal products have been in use worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth. If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article about N-Tense and Graviola here. It really is staggering!

In addition to the above it has been shown that taking additional herbal products such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system and also Lung Support to help the lungs may be beneficial!

So, could Graviola and N-tense help you in the fight against Lung Cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30193

About the Author:

How To Lose Weight With A Great Acai Supplement!

By Casey Wigwire

When you enroll yourself for any weight loss program; all you want is a slim and trim figure as soon as possible. Despite paying hefty fees for these fat reduction programs, you start gaining weight as soon as the program is over. Most of these programs are based on dieting and heavy work outs. Though your nutrition needs are take care of during the program, you are starved to some extent.

All these benefits make the Acai berry very attractive. If you get yourself drawn to the berry, and want to buy one or another berries of acai supplement, then you will find a list of 'tips to help you get the best Acai berry' handy.

One thing you may need to do, if you are to get the best berry, is to look beyond the price. It is surprising perhaps, but many of us do tend to insist on getting the 'best,' and getting it cheap. It hardly ever works that way, becomes vendors who are able to sell their wares cheaply tend to make various compromises, to make the cheap pricing possible. If you really want to get the best of berries of acai, loosen your purse strings a bit, and be willing to pay the extra price tag that 'best' comes at. Of course, this is not an endorsement on the most expensive acai-berry supplements - as it is not necessarily the best always. Some vendors simply don't offer value for money. It is just a nudge to look beyond the price, and be willing to pay the right figure to get the best berries of acai.

Another thing you may need to do, if you are to get the best berry is to go shopping at the right joints. At the very least, ensure you get your acai berry from reputable vendors only, if you don't want to be scammed. Remember, getting real berries of acai is not very easy and a dishonest vendor, seeing the immense demand for the berry could decide to make some other stuff and brand it 'Acai berry' - and proceed to use it to make money out of people. Hence the need to ensure that you get your berries of acai from the right sorts of people.

Your hunger is controlled naturally therefore you need not suppress it only to satisfy your taste buds later. Not only do you lose weight but also gain a lot of other health benefits like improved cardio health, better immune system, better concentration etc. Acai berry combined with a colon cleansing supplement cures your constipation and flushes out excess fat from your body. - 30193

About the Author:

Breast Cancer! Can it be Beaten Using Traditional Herbal Remedies?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Breast Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and Graviola Max actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

Are you frightened by the thought of getting Breast Cancer? Do the words "Breast Cancer" worry you? The words are very emotive aren't they? Well now it appears that there is some very good 'natural' help available to you Graviola and Graviola Max!

As a rule, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors do not support the use of treating 'Breast Cancer' with 'Herbal Treatments' like Graviola and Graviola Max. In many cases describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, mainly because they were not taught it at 'Medical School'!

Evidence is growing however, in support of the fact that many of these botanicals may be really quite beneficial. Two of these herbal remedies in particularly, 'Graviola' and 'Graviola Max are showing some quite remarkable results in "Breast Cancer" patients. Often in cases where chemotherapy and traditional treatment didn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The Health Sciences Institute (HSI) featured an article, headlined "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Breast Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! . So what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is a tree that is indigenous to the Amazon Rainforests and some other parts of South America. It's not really a huge rainforest tree, in fact it is a relatively small evergreen "shrub" (in Rainforest terms) growing to only 5 to 6 metres tall. But in terms of having cancer cell fighting properties, it's an absolute giant!

Lots of research has already been completed. It's been found that a lot of the phytochemicals or annonaceous acetogenins (the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the stem, leaves, and seeds of the Graviola tree are cytotoxic against many cancer cells and tumours. These plant parts are all used in herbal medicine.

That is the very good because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI article says the tree has been studied in over 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, and it has shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, colon, prostate and breast cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Also a plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing dynamo. Herbal products have been used worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, (well for thousands of years at least.) If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article on Graviola and Graviola Max here. It's a real eye opener!

In addition to the above it has been shown that taking additional herbal products such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system may be beneficial!

Well can Graviola and Graviola Max help you in your fight against Breast Cancer? It seems that the answer is yes, absolutely!

Health Disclaimer! This information must not be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. Never take action based solely on this article's contents. You should 'always' consult with a professional health practitioner on important matters relating to your own health and well-being. The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be sound and accurate, based on the author's best information available at the time. Any reader, who fails to consult with the appropriate medical and health authorities, "assumes ALL responsibility of any resulting injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30193

About the Author:

Colon Cancer! Can Alternative Medicines Really Work Against Colon Cancer?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Colon Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and N-Tense actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

Are you frightened by the thought of getting Colon Cancer? Do the words "Colon Cancer" worry you? The words are very emotive aren't they? Well now it appears that there is some very good 'natural' help available to you Graviola and N-Tense!

Traditionally, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors (though not all), frown on the use of herbal remedies like Graviola and N-Tense for 'Colon Cancer', often describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, simply because they are outside the range of subjects taught in medical school.

Evidence is growing however, in support of the fact that many of these botanicals may be really quite beneficial. Two of these herbal remedies in particularly, 'Graviola' and 'N-Tense are showing some quite remarkable results in "Colon Cancer" patients. Often in cases where chemotherapy and traditional treatment didn't work. Would you use it?

Way back in 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It goes on to say. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that could stop "Colon Cancer". Shame on them! That tree was Graviola! .OK, so what exactly is Graviola?

This tree Graviola is indigenous to the Amazon and various regions of South America. It's not a big rainforest tree by any means, the fact is it' relatively small in Rainforest terms growing to only 5 or 6 metres tall. But the "Colon Cancer" fighting properties it has are amazing; in fact it's an absolute monster.

Lots of research has already been completed. It's been found that a lot of the phytochemicals or annonaceous acetogenins (the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the stem, leaves, and seeds of the Graviola tree are cytotoxic against many cancer cells and tumours. These plant parts are all used in herbal medicine.

Excellent news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI says in this article that the tree has undergone more than 20 laboratory studies and tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including lung, Prostate, colon, Bowel, and pancreatic cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Without harming healthy cells, it can selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Back in'76 a plant screening program by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola displayed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing powerhouse. These Herbal products have been in use worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth. If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article about N-Tense and Graviola here. It really is staggering!

In addition to the above it has been shown that taking additional herbal products such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system may be beneficial!

So, could Graviola and N-Tense help you in the fight against Colon Cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should 'always consult with a professional health practitioner' on important matters relating to your own health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. Please Note. Any reader, who fails to consult with the appropriate medical and health authorities, "assumes ALL responsibility of any resulting injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30193

About the Author:

Prostate Cancer! Can it be Beaten Using Traditional Herbal Remedies?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Prostate Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and N-Tense actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

Are you frightened by the thought of getting Prostate Cancer? Do the words "Prostate Cancer" worry you? The words are very emotive aren't they? Well now it appears that there is some very good 'natural' help available to you Graviola and N-Tense!

Usually, the large majority of doctors and medical practitioners although to be fair, not all, do not support the use of natural products like Graviola and N-Tense in treating "Prostate Cancer". Often calling them "fringe or quack" remedies, simply because the medical institutions don't teach the students about them.

There is growing evidence to support the fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you. Two of these in particular 'Graviola' and N-Tense are showing some quite remarkable results, often, in cases where traditional treatment and or chemotherapy don't work. What would you do if you had Prostate Cancer?

Way back in 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It goes on to say. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that could stop "Prostate Cancer". Shame on them! That tree was Graviola! .OK, so what exactly is Graviola?

This tree Graviola is indigenous to the Amazon and various regions of South America. It's not a big rainforest tree by any means, the fact is it' relatively small in Rainforest terms growing to only 5 or 6 metres tall. But the "Prostate Cancer" fighting properties it has are amazing; in fact it's an absolute monster.

Lots of research has already been completed. It's been found that a lot of the phytochemicals or annonaceous acetogenins (the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the stem, leaves, and seeds of the Graviola tree are cytotoxic against many cancer cells and tumours. These plant parts are all used in herbal medicine.

That is the very good because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI article says the tree has been studied in over 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, and it has shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, colon, prostate and Prostate Cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Also a plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing dynamo. Herbal products have been used worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, (well for thousands of years at least.) If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article on Graviola and N-Tense here. It's a real eye opener!

It has been shown that taking additional herbal products in addition to the above, such as"Prostate Support" & "Cats Claw",plus "Immune Support" to boost the immune system could be of help!

N-Tense and Graviola, could they help you in the fight against Prostate Cancer? The answer it appears is yes, it can!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30193

About the Author:

Are Colon Cleansers Safe To Use For Weight Loss.

By Casy Wigwire

Many people are confused by the conflicting information that is out there about colon cleansing. The main concern is whether or not colon cleansing is safe or not. In no uncertain terms not only is colon cleansing safe it is vitally important that you cleanse your colon.

The first is to use a combination of laxatives and enemas. This is the worst choice for cleansing the colon simply because these methods are not meant to cleanse the colon at all. These treatments are meant to alleviate the occasional bout of constipation. Neither of them is effective in cleansing the colon and overuse can even be harmful. If they are used too frequently the body can become dependent on their effects in order to produce a bowel movement.

The second method people usually consider is colon hydrotherapy. This is an effective way to cleanse the colon, but it is not without risk. The primary danger in hydrotherapy is infection.

Many people have also reported life lone acne problems disappearing after a colon cleanse. This is likely due to the fact that the material stuck in the colon is slightly toxic. When it is removed the immune system is free to deal with acne and skin blemishes.

The best of these systems are comprised of all natural herbal ingredients and are very fairly priced. They work by scrubbing the interior wall of the colon and forcing the debris out of the body.

As you can see there are some surprising benefits to colon cleansing and not all of them are related to the digestive process. There are other benefits from colon cleansing as well, but in the interest of space we have only listed three for this column. - 30193

About the Author:

How to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturally

By John Weller

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is one of the most common problems of the digestive track. Even though millions of people suffer from IBS, there are no cures for this condition. Natural remedies, however, can help alleviate the symptoms dramatically.

The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and abdominal cramps. Usually, combinations of these symptoms happen in a cyclic pattern, in which patients experience constipation and diarrhea back and forth. IBS does not lead to intestinal bleeding and does not lead to cancer.

The cause of irritable bowel syndrome is unknown. Diet, daily stress, genes, and personality are all thought to contribute to the syndrome. IBS, therefore, is very much like a personal trait. Some people tend to get frightened easily, while some people just struggle in the bathroom.

Even though irritable bowel syndrome is mild compared to other diseases, a person's every life can be affected by the condition. Because an IBS patient tends to be irregular in bowel movements, cramping, gas, and pain can hit him or her in important situations. This could be a source of embarrassment.

IBS may be incurable, but its symptoms can be treated. While sudden symptoms can be treated with common OTC drugs, chronic use of them should be avoided as they could lead to dependency. The best way to manage the symptoms is through natural treatments.

Natural remedies for IBS come in two forms: diet and herbs. Many people find certain food groups trigger or worsen their IBS symptoms. These foods could be dairy, sugar, wheat, or seafood. The patients could simply try different diets to see what works best for them. Diet rich in fibers also helps with constipation and diarrhea. However, fibers do not seem to help with the IBS pain.

On the other hand, herbs and herbal supplements have demonstrated to be useful as natural treatments for IBS. Herbal teas, peppermint, and dill, for example, control many of the IBS symptoms. Supplements extracted from the aloe vera plant have shown to improve the overall intestinal health, making IBS symptoms less frequent and less severe. - 30193

About the Author:

Bower Cancer! Can it be Beaten Using Traditional Herbal Remedies?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Bowel Cancer! The question we are going to ask is. Do herbal products like N-Tense and Graviola Really work? The results seem very positive, enough to sayYes!

Many people are worried at the thought of developing Bowel Cancer! Does the phrase "Bowel Cancer" worry you? Powerful words are they not? Graviola and N-Tense both seem to be very good herbal products, and they are available to youNow!

Traditionally, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors (though not all), frown on the use of herbal remedies like Graviola and N-Tense for 'Bowel Cancer', often describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, simply because they are outside the range of subjects taught in medical school.

Evidence is growing however, in support of the fact that many of these botanicals may be really quite beneficial. Two of these herbal remedies in particularly, 'Graviola' and 'N-Tense are showing some quite remarkable results in "Bowel Cancer" patients. Often in cases where chemotherapy and traditional treatment didn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer" It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some unethical greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Bowel Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! So what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is a tree that is indigenous to the Amazon Rainforests and some other parts of South America. It's not really a huge rainforest tree, in fact it is a relatively small evergreen "shrub" (in Rainforest terms) growing to only 5 to 6 metres tall. But in terms of having cancer cell fighting properties, it's an absolute giant!

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

Excellent news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI says in this article that the tree has undergone more than 20 laboratory studies and tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including lung, Prostate, colon, Bowel, and pancreatic cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Without harming healthy cells, it can selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Also a plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing dynamo. Herbal products have been used worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, (well for thousands of years at least.) If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article on Graviola and N-Tense here. It's a real eye opener!

It has been shown that taking additional herbal products in addition to the above, such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system could be of help!

N-Tense and Graviola, could they help you in the fight against Bowel Cancer? The answer it appears is yes, it can!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should 'always consult with a professional health practitioner' on important matters relating to your own health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. Please Note. Any reader, who fails to consult with the appropriate medical and health authorities, "assumes ALL responsibility of any resulting injuries".The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30193

About the Author:

Oesophageal Cancer! Can it be Beaten Using Traditional Herbal Remedies?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Oesophageal Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and N-Tense actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

Many people are worried at the thought of developing Oesophageal Cancer! Does the phrase "Oesophageal Cancer" worry you? Powerful words are they not? Graviola and N-Tense both seem to be very good herbal products, and they are available to you Now!

As a rule, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors do not support the use of treating 'Oesophageal Cancer' with 'Herbal Treatments' like Graviola and N-Tense. In many cases describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, mainly because they were not taught it at 'Medical School'!

There is growing evidence to support the fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you. Two of these in particular 'Graviola' and N-Tense are showing some quite remarkable results, often, in cases where traditional treatment and or chemotherapy don't work. What would you do if you had Oesophageal Cancer?

Way back in 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It goes on to say. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that could stop "Oesophageal Cancer". Shame on them! That tree was Graviola! .OK, so what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is a tree that is indigenous to the Amazon Rainforests and some other parts of South America. It's not really a huge rainforest tree, in fact it is a relatively small evergreen "shrub" (in Rainforest terms) growing to only 5 to 6 metres tall. But in terms of having cancer cell fighting properties, it's an absolute giant!

Plenty of research has already been done and has found that many of the phytochemicals or annonaceous acetogenins (These are the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the leaves, seeds and stem of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer / tumour cells such as Oesophageal Cancer. All these plant parts are used in natural medicine.

Excellent news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI says in this article that the tree has undergone more than 20 laboratory studies and tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including lung, Prostate, colon, Bowel, and pancreatic cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Without harming healthy cells, it can selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Also a plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing dynamo. Herbal products have been used worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, (well for thousands of years at least.) If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article on Graviola and N-Tense here. It's a real eye opener!

In addition to the above it has been shown that taking additional herbal products such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system may be beneficial!

N-Tense and Graviola, could they help you in the fight against Oesophageal Cancer? The answer it appears is yes, it can!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgement and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30193

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